Friday, September 10, 2010

I don't like you Gordon Von Steiner

Actually Gordon, I'm sure you're a stand up guy. I'm just insanely jealous of your job.

I want it Gordon, you hear me Gordon you asshole, I'm coming for your job. (Again Gordon I'm sorry, I don't mean it...jealousy makes a man crazy.)

Anyway, I took the first step in getting a job similar to Gordon's today. I sent out some query letters offering my services as a street style photographer.

Hopefully all goes well. Wish me luck.

Until then, enjoy that asshole Gordon Von Steiner's collection of the cutest girls at Fashion Week NYC.

Alexa Chung is way cute btw. Sucks for her that her show got cancelled. However, I didn't go out of my way to help her cause. I never watched a whole episode, but she was very witty. Maybe it failed, because the name of the show sucked. "It's On with Alexa Chung" doesn't exactly make me want to run to my TV. It is good for coming up with all kinds of ridiculous innuendos for it indeed being "on" with Alexa Chung though. I'll let you come up with those on your own.

Oh and Resident Evil tonight in 3D!!! B grade action/horror films, plus 3D, equals a definite win.

1 comment:

  1. Please remove ANY and ALL photos by Gordon von Steiner from your website, specifically the ones featured above. The photographer does not want his work used without permission.
    Thank you.
